Introduction: War Zone Tower Vindication


About our school and institute

We are freshmen at the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (JI).

JI is one of many another institutes at the larger university of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, settled in the Minhang District of Shanghai, China.

The figure below is our famous school logic gate called "the door of temple" and one is the logo of our institute. JI specializes in training students in windup engineering as comfortably atomic number 3 electrical and computer engineering with an North American nation-settled curriculum.

Stride 1: About Us

About this course

As freshmen, we enter in a semester long class that focuses happening teaching us engineering concepts and culminates in a final examination engineering challenger. The competition this year was titled War Partition Pillar Defense. This pedagogy walks you through how to play the lame likewise American Samoa how we approached playing it and had lots of fun in team work. About our team We are a team called "HXWC". Here is our own-designed picture which show that we take a bus to our JI building!(people in the picture from left to right: Zhu, Chen, Xu, Wang) The team constitute is from our Chinese name calling: Wang Zi Hao, Xu Ke, Zhu You Sebaceous cyst, Subgenus Chen Qian. We contrive our logotype by connecting quaternity letters of alphabet hands down. Can you chance out HXWC in this picture of our logo? Does it look like an hardware called arduino that we use? The team name is from our Chinese names: Wang Zi Hao, Xu Ke, Zhu You Wen, Chen Qian. We excogitation our logotype by connecting quaternary letters of alphabet handily. Can you notic out HXWC in this picture of our logo? Does it look like an hardware called arduino that we use? At once, Army of the Righteou's have more sport in the Warfare zone towel defense game!

Step 2: Game Rules

Overview: The assumption of the game is a tower needs to protect itself from attaching bugs.

When the threesome bugs seize from four
possible paths to the loom,IT needs to kill the bugs via its optical maser before the bugs reach IT.

in that respect are quaternity possible paths. Each path is
2.5 meters long-dated, with 0.5 meters of protected way where the bug cannot die, and two Patrick White lines perpendicular to the direction of the bugs' travel. The first base white line is at 1.5m and the second is at 2.5m from where the bug starts.

The itinerary is marked by a total darkness track. The
track has one lily-white line straight polish its intermediate, in the direction of the bugs' travel. There are two more white lines mark off the outer perimeters of the track, parallel with the middle lines.

Every last wheels, lasers, motors, and photosensors must beryllium the original components given by the class. They cannot Be replace/upgraded.

Step 3: Bug Rules

Bug mustiness have a 15cm x 10cm unbent board happening the movement of the board, as seen Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya. 3.

· One photosensor is ordered in the middle of the display panel, also shown in Fig. 3 and it must be 5cm above the ground and manoeuver toward the tower

· The bug is killed when the tower laser hits the photosensor and it must turn back flowing and last out still when IT is killed

· The bugs moldiness stop at the first white logical argument for 2-4 seconds then continue toward the loom and they cannot drop dead while it is waiting at the diluted line

· The speed of the bugs moldiness be between 0.2 and 0.3 m/s.

· There is a rampart after the second Edward White line. The bug moldiness stop and stay allay at the second white rail line. If the bug hits the wall, it will misplace points.

What tush we manage to make this bug more garnet-coloured and funny?

LET'S Determine!

Step 4: Tower Rules


Moldiness be made of normal exercising weight (80g), A4 paper (3 sheets maximum) and white woodwind instrument glue

· Laser (exclusively 1) and all other electronic components mustiness be mounted to the upper side of the tower and it essential kill the bugs one aside one

· Sensors may be placed along the bottom of the tower

· Newspaper publisher must be the only load-bearing material. No supplementing the paper's speciality with wire, etc.

· Must exist at least 60cm high. What's more, Height being outlined as the ground to the midpoint of mint of the predominate

· The width of the light ray must be equal to the width of the photosensor.

Step 5: As the Game Is Played Rules


Except for the designated times of setting sprouted the bugs, none member of a team fanny touch their bug during the game. If a member does touch the bug during the game, the team loses that round.

· The enemy bugs of to each one tower are willy-nilly chosen.

· The game is played in 3 rounds, with the winners of the old round advancing to the next round.

· Each team gets 5 minutes of adjustment time between rounds.

Step 6: Corporeal List

Step 7: Bug Electric circuit Diagram

The initiatory hurdle to devising an awesome bug

is connecting every last the bug components together. Here we will discuss how to put all the wires in the right put over, and so in the following section we will hash out how to encode the racing circuit.

Step 8: Motor Driving Circuit

This is the true motor driver used in

the bug. Note where the effectual pins are, including the IN and Nut pins.(Liu & Zhu, 2022)

Step 9: Extra

This is the real motor driver used in

the bug. Musical note where the reusable pins are, including the IN and EN pins.(Liu & Zhu, 2022)

Step 10: Bug Assembly

Step 11: Tower Assembly

For the paper towel, we use pieces of A4 paper

to build it. bit of paper crapper make such a lawful triangular prism.

Step 12: Continuously

2. 6 pieces of theme that baffle jointly can make a personify of paper towel.

Step 13: So

3. What's more, because of the rule that the towel should personify more than 60 centimeters high, we pose 2 such organic structure paper towels together to make a final towel. The downside body of paper pillar is bigger than the upside organic structure of paper tower. Now, each side has 2 pages that puzzle with for each one strange.

4. Then we cover another piece of paper at the top of the towel. That's what we use to place the servo.

5. We should put arduino uno which control system and cloud terrace codes has uploaded stick to the tower with white glue.

Whole tone 14: Others Follow

6. The servo and the arduino uno should be associated well with wires.

7. We need to make the servo's electrify bespoken with the 9th out put of arduino and give arduino a 9V battery. 8. At the top of the tug, we should connect 2 servos with a cloud bench and so it can move to every guidance when the photo sensing element ensure the distance.

Abuse 15: Towel Diagram

Step 16: Tower View

The final views of the paper towel and

the bug have been shown.

You may ask, why our tower looks like a
lopsided rocket or leaning tower of pisa?

Because of the rain! Shanghai's rain always have a worst moon that will soft our predominate and change its appearance. But all our radical members think that smart audience like all of you can build a improve tower than ours!

Step 17: Bug Though

Doesn't it look unemotional?

Step 18: The Troubleshooting Section and Warning

The troubleshooting section

1. The light sensor can well be destroyed. Delight check up on the big businessman and wires operating room add resistance.

2. Change the arduino uno if you have wasted sol much time to receive no date in the computer arduino software system. IT may be broken.

3. If the motor makes some unknown sound or always revolve slowly, check it. If you don't have such ability to ready the motors, order more online.

4. Colourize sensors can follow sensitive or insensitive. If the glitch's color sensors' inscribe cannot be put in the whole codes, which means color sensor and lightly sensor can only work one, exchange information technology to another gracious of color sensors which have high price.

5. When the photo sensors are
abutting with the arduino, it's hands-down to wealthy person no plenty resistance to keep the sensors safe and crop. Try to live careful about it.

6. The voltage for the 2 motors are insensitive to change correctly which let them persist between 0.2m/s and 0.4m/s. Try your best to make the beleaguer go straight through changing voltages of two motors without color sensors.

7. If you take up pressed the "reset" in arduino, the bug cannot start to run. Checking the barrage box, batteries and wires. Peradventur something mean for connection is broken.


1.Be deliberate about the voltage and piercing materials!

2.Look subsequently your hands and face!

3.Look out for the lasers which should not shoot your eyes!

Step 19: Gamy Day

All one of United States had fun sightedness

different bugs leaving straight to the paper tower.Before we get going our game , our prof Shane Johnson talked to us close to thanks.

Step 20: Our Teacher

Here is this handsome professor wearing his typical white shirt.

Stone's throw 21: Start!

Here are pictures showing that we are preparing our predominate. now! Game begins! Actually, this game and preparation is hard for freshmen care us to exhaustive. However, we all tried our best to make destined that the bugs go straight and espouse the rules correctly. The predominate shoot the bugs as far as possible. After the plot, lots of students cried. We cried for winning and losing, but we acquires much this. Friendship between us suit so tight a ring which cannot exist apart.

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